Thursday, June 21, 2012

Social Networking

Social networking and Corporations :

Social networking was the buzz word around the company quarters I was working for. I was aware the buzz word what social networking meant. To me at the point of time meant chatting with overseas friends an economic alternative to long distance phone call bills. Soon I learned how important it was for the company to have a presence on a social networking site.
As mentioned by the article The subtle art of the Face book update, by Virginia Heffernan, I would like to draw attention that not just people but companies are also trying to invest time and money to keep up with their statuses on many issues. They use these social networking sites to convey the message to win over the consumers. As I had learned from my finance class, market prices reflect information. Healthy information posted on these social networking sites helps the corporations and government bodies to promote a message to the masses and build in customers, investors and public’s confidence in the company.
Social networking and the society:

In the second article "In India, Using Face book to Catch Scofflaw Drivers" By Heather Timmons “. , the author draws light the fact that social networking can be used as a powerful tool to bring law breakers to justice.  The police in Delhi used the help of the Face Book community of that area to take pictures of the law breakers and send them over to them. This resulted in 17000 arrest and citations. This is a big number, and an example of how a social networking site can help reduce crime and bring law and order in a notorious area.

Thus the advantages to the social networking sites to the society and the corporations are tremendously beneficial. To my understanding the benefits outweighs the ills of social networking sites.

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