Monday, June 18, 2012

Blogs vs. Wikis

To my understanding, blogs are way for people to exchange views, news and share opinions. Blogs are used to communicate information. A blog can be a personal or corporate website in the form of posting in a chronological order with new posting appearing in sequence as they are posted. The layout can be controlled by the author. Like in my case of blogger you can customize that. Blogs normally has one author, one personality, one opinion. People respond to this blog and the discussion or the direction of the author leads the topic of the blog. It has limited scope, small audience and a general rule is applied to course of the postings and responses.

Wiki on the other end are more tailored and addresses issues for specific or target audience.
It is a collaborative effort on a website which can be directly edited by anyone with access to it. The content is dynamic and changes very often like mentioned in one of our initial class readings to " constantly check the BNM as it often changes". The scope or the target audience is very large and the discussion contains many topics and forums.

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