Thursday, June 28, 2012

Creativity and New Media

I have picked this Avatar as it reflects my lifestyle in the second life. We all imagine ourselves to be different a bit than ourselves to a degree. I feel I could loose a bit of weight and change my clothing styles a bit. More like what I have in this avatar . I think I can still live my dream on the side on this second life. I am amazed how a person can just by the control of a mouse and keyboard can alter his emotions and feelings of a being. My mind is boggling as I have entered into this creative world of imagery and reality. It is like seeing the horizon but never really finding one.At this point of time I feel I have found the gate to heaven ;-)

I think if one spends too much time on these creativity and new media virtual worlds than one can tend to get disconnected from the reality. This gripping and addictive virtual world can be misleading as well. Also people will end up spending more time in their virtual world and miss on real world challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Virtual worlds are great because of the fact that they often leave out the inconveniences of real life. That's why people get addicted to them.

    Nice Avatar! On the bright side, the things you want to change about yourself (or so you say) can be easily attained with a little sweat and tears!

    Personally, if I made an Avatar in a virtual world like this, I'd make something ridiculously out of my reach and have fun with it.
