Thursday, June 28, 2012


New media definitely fosters creativity. People can create their imaginary world  via this new media tools. One such tool that is mentioned here during this weeks assignment is the second life. I can draw my first reference to the Avatar that one can create. If you are really computer frenzy, you can add your own picture to create an avatar out for your own picture. Initially you can even dress up like the way you want. You can have hairstyles, clothes, and many other customization to you likings and moods. You can be in one place one second and another place in next.

One very good citation from our readings that dominate my thoughts about creativity is about the room 100 from the Chelsea hotel. This is a very good example of creativity using  the new media.Over here the author throws light how an old hotel is brought back to life, and it is much different in the real life. It is up to the creativity of the creator that can create wonders and probably bring history to life. I am sure it has its pros and cons to the creativity and the mindset of the creator. Sometimes things can even go haywire giving unwanted results or creating an evil design.

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